Saturday, October 5, 2013

Shelby Lou Nails Beginnings

This blog has been a year in the making, from my first thought of "I could do that" to this post. I gave myself a generous timeline and did not plan to start until January 2014. However I have just found myself feeling so ready to finally get this started, today sounds good to me.

I love nail polish. For years now I have been collecting polish and painting my nails. I remember running across a random beauty tip about nails all those years ago which really sparked my interest. I wish I could remember exactly what and where it was (hey, I didn’t know it was going to have such an effect on me!), but it was along the lines of using your nails as an escape. Think about it, you look at them all day every day. For instance, craving a beach vacation? Paint your nails azure. Feeling stressed? Wear a comfort color (mine is green). You get the idea.

Since that tip using my nails as an escape has turned into self-care, a hobby, and an obsession. I love color. I love art. I love getting creative and completing little projects for my home, and now my nails.

One of my goals of this blog is to share swatches of my nail polish collection. My stash has grown to such a number that I needed another way to justify all my pretty bottles. What better way than to be a blogger! I love salon and drugstore polishes, but my true loves lie within the indie realm.

I am also a big proponent of cuticle care. My first suggestions are throw away the nail clippers, find a good file, and start moisturizing obsessively. You can start right now by hydrating your overworked hands!

My last goal is to get everyone to try ALL the nail art. I’ve got a method to help ease you into it and plan to have tutorials available. I want to show you creative manicures that can be accomplished with little skill up to some intermediate and maybe even into the hard stuff… some of which I don’t even know if I’m up to yet. Watermarble, anyone? Yikes!

I do want this blog to be interactive and invite comments as well as constructive reader feedback. I would even like to be able to add photos of manicures done by readers using my tutorials and templates. However if you have anything negative to say just to be mean-spirited then I am not interested kthxbye.

If you would like to jump into the world of polish, come along with me. Let me warn you, it’s a long way down the rabbit hole--but I promise it will be fun.


  1. What do you use and suggest as the best cuticle moisturizer?

    1. I use a lot of different things, I could probably do a whole post dedicated to it! Cuticle oils and balms really make the difference because they are formulated to soak into your cuticles more easily than lotion. Avon makes a pretty decent cuticle oil pen and Badger Balm has an great cuticle balm. I also like and mostly use KBShimmer's cuticle oil pens and 365 days of Color's cuticle balms. Brand doesn't really matter though, just get something and start caring for your cuticles everyday along with hand lotion. Hands are one of the biggest tellers of age and you will be glad you started caring for them early :-)

  2. I'm so glad I found your blog, and I can follow you from the beginning :) I look forward to your future post.

    1. Thank you, I can't wait to show everyone more!


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