Saturday, December 28, 2013

Post-Holiday Giveaway!

I am a bad blogger. Was my last post really on the 21st?! Ah well, all I can say is I had a lovely holiday catching up with friends and family. I hope everyone can say the same!

In my absence I've noticed my followers and likes going through the roof--thank you so much, truly! I started this blog to connect with other nailphiles, teach what I know, and of course learn more. I am craving feedback and conversations, don't be shy about interacting ;-)

I did plan on having a 250 likes giveaway, but now I'm around 300 so I'm renaming it the Post-Holiday Giveaway. I don't know about you but after the excitement of the holidays I always need a pick-me-up. And by that I mean new polish.

For this giveaway I am going to have two winners, w00t!

Prize #1--KBShimmer Snow Flaking Way! & Essie Parka Perfect

Prize #2--Orly Matte FX Green Flakie Topcoat & KBShimmer Misfit Hidden Agenda (LE)

The first name I draw will get Prize 1, the second name will get Prize 2.
I will choose the winner on January 2nd at 12am EST (so get your entries in by January 1st at 11:59pm EST)!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. My fave is Rollin' With The Chromies!!

  2. Hard to choose, but my latest one is: Band Geek

  3. I've got a crush on blue! And thanks for the giveaway!

  4. My favorite is Elle! I have a soft spot for greys :)

  5. Oh goodness, it's a tie between Urban Camo, and Band Geek.

  6. Witch way, and Get Clover It Nail Polish between both cause Im a vampy shade love so those shades are my favorites

  7. right now, It's Razz-ical and Get Clover It. it's hard to even narrow it down to that!

  8. I don't have any KB Shimmer yet, but I love the look of Teal Another Tail!

  9. the dancing green. Thank you for the giveaway!!

  10. Oh so many. I love Will Yule Marry Me, Toastess With the Mostest, Vicious Circles, Green Hex & Glam Sand in My Stocking, No Whine Left, 24 Carrot Bold, I Got a Crush on Blue. One favorite? Ha!

  11. My favourite is Clown Puke. First the name just makes me giggle, but it's so versatile and pairs nicely with many shades of polish

  12. plum tuckered out

  13. I love Rollin' With The Chromies.

  14. i do not have any of that brand yet but i love you go ghoul!

  15. Teal Another Tail! I need it in my life so badly.

  16. Im so in love with Snow Much Fun!!

  17. Snow Much Fun is great but I also love Will Yule Marry Me

  18. My favorite KBShimmer shade at the moment is Toast-ess With The Mostest.

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  19. Thanks for the giveaway!
    I like Sand-In-My-Stocking!

  20. snow flaking way is my favorite!!

  21. Tie between Pretty In Punk, Totally Tubular Nail Polish and Shade Shifter!

  22. Oh Splat is my favorite, Thank you for the giveaway!!

  23. squared away and it's razzical are my choices

  24. I only have Snow Much Fun, but I've been lemming I've Got a Crush on Blue for a loooong time now. I'm also lemming Snow Flaking Way.

  25. Oh Splat! is my absolute fave!!


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