Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year! One Last Christmas Mani

I just had to share this last Christmas mani I did. One side of my family gets together after Christmas to celebrate the holiday, this is what I wore this past Sunday. This was done and dry in one hour, not bad! Read on to see my fool-proof formula for skittle manis.

Pinky: OPI Solitaire with one coat topcoat
Ring, Middle, & Thumb: Essie Going Incognito (base color) and I Love Nail Polish Something About Merry
Index: Essie Going Incognito (base color), stamped with Nailz Craze NC 03 (I can't quit the sweater stamp!) and Konad Special White

Christmas Skittles featuring OPI Solitaire, Essie Going Incognito,
I Love Nail Polish Something About Merry, Nailz Craze

ILNP Something About Merry is pretty much my perfect Christmas glitter, I think it's the white satin glitters that do it for me. I like to be inspired by the colors in a glitter for a skittle mani. I knew Something About Merry would be perfect over Going Incognito (have I mentioned you need to own this yet?). Then I took the basic color of the glitter, white, to stamp and use for my texture/glitter pinky.

This formula works really well for me:
(1.) Use your base color on all nails then glitter two or three of them.
(2.) Choose a basic color from the glitter or a complementary basic color to do a glitter pinky and
(3.) stamp one or to accent nails. Basic colors are black, white, silver, gold, and even browns and bronzes in metallic or creme finishes. Texture polishes are my preferred type of pinky accent ;-)

I hope everyone had a lovely holiday!

Nailz Craze

Have you loved your cuticles today? Who is going to take better care of their cuticles this year?


  1. This mani is gorgeous and I cannot believe the year went by so fast :)

    1. Thanks! And me too, why is time speeding by the older I get?!


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