Monday, February 24, 2014

Dance Legend Termo TRIO #1

Sorry about my unexpected absence this weekend. On Saturday and Sunday I was ill. I did a little swatching but didn't feel like sitting down at the computer. So I kinda laid on the couch and may or may not have binge-watched the Harry Potter boxed set my mom just got. They were okay, the books will always be my favorite though.

Last Friday I went with my mom to the nearby botanical gardens. It was like summer and a completely wonderful respite from the mid-winter doldrums of February (seriously, Winter, I am done). I need something quick but also wanted something fun so I wore Dance Legend Termo Trio #1. I lemmed this so hard when it came out and I was pumped to see the color change really did happen just as advertised! Here is a picture I took in a fountain at the gardens.

Dance Legend
Termo TRIO #1

I also noticed throughout the day while going in and out of stores I also got the sharp tri-color effect which I never got tired of looking at. I swear I spent the whole day shoving my nails in my mom's face and going, "Ooo look at'em now!" She was very amused. At me, not my nails. Here are some proper swatches.

Dance Legend Termo TRIO #1

Dance Legend Termo TRIO #1

Dance Legend Termo TRIO #1

Dance Legend Termo TRIO #1
And I thought I'd share a few of my favorite pics I took at the gardens, which I took with the same camera I use for swatching. I use a Sony Cyber-Shot. I dunno what kind but it says things like "8.1 Mega Pixels," "Full HD 1080," and "Super Steady Shot"--do with that information what you like. My husband bought this over 7 years ago on clearance after his other one took a drink while kayaking (that is another story...). Anyway, my lil Sony has more than proved itself over the years!

This flower-thing felt all fluffy!

I love mandalas and how they form in plants

We found a huge checkerboard

I love how unique and different orchids can be even from each other

A little perspective
Dance Legend

Have you loved your cuticles today?


  1. I love Botanical Gardens! Was this the one in South Buffalo? I haven't been there for a while.

  2. I've never had (or seen) a 3-color thermal before. The shift is lovely!

  3. I seriously need one of the Dance Legend Termo Trios in my life! That color change is amazing. I'd stare at my nails all day long. I've been on a Harry Potter binge lately, too. There's nothing like the books, but the movies are good when you don't want to get off the couch. :) Also, I think I need a garden full of those fluffy flowers. It's so cute!

    1. Everyone should own a Termo Trio! I loved those fluffy flowers, they reminded me of my cat :-)


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