Tuesday, April 22, 2014

My First Time... Enchanted Polish April 2014

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend! Happy Easter if you celebrate. I had a good ol' fashioned ham dinner at grandmas, my mom even made homemade scalloped potatoes. Unfortunately it appears over the weekend I was a victim of a "click farm." Essentially it is a scam which tries to cover its tracks by liking other random pages.... which is bad because these are not real and interested people resulting in less post exposure. I hope y'all follow me on other social media, Facebook is even more useless to me now than it was before which I didn't even think was possible. I will still be notified if you share anything with me on my wall though--which I encourage :-)

Today I'd like to share with you a polish from a brand I originally swore off called Enchanted Polish (like you might not know what I'm talking about lolol). I know all about the drama this brand causes and here is what I've come to understand: There are no principles in polish. If people want to pay cray-cray amounts for polish, that is their choice. If people want to buy something to turn around and sell it to said crazy people, I can't stop them. I don't like it but I'm not going to stress about it.

Anyway, I had seen swatches of April 2014 and I really truly love the color--something I had never felt about an EP before. Plus my birthday is in April! I love justification. I got it secondhand for a modest $25 shipped and invoiced. You may feel how you would like about that price and I will not be offended.

Enchanted Polish April 2014
Shelby Lou Nails
So how was my first experience with EP? Amazing. April 2014 is a beautiful lavender-periwinkle-ish holographic polish. Excellent formula, amazing holo, beautiful color. I hardly needed to do any clean-up. AND it wore amazingly. I used KBShimmer's Basic Training and HK Girl (did you know you can buy it directly from the manufacturer on Amazon?!). I don't know what it was about this combination but I had one chip on day 3, which I touched up, and wore the mani without any other mishaps for another day.

Enchanted Polish April 2014
Shelby Lou Nails
So yup, it's perfect. My cuticles need more love though... work is so drying with all the hand-sanitizer and hand-washing I have to do! Just a note: all of these photos were taken in my light-box in artificial light, click here to see it outside in full sunlight on my instagram feed. Holy. Wow. I wish I had dependable sunlight to swatch all my holos!

Enchanted Polish April 2014
Shelby Lou Nails
In conclusion, will I seek out more EP? If I see one I love at a reasonable price I might purchase it. I'm not willing to stress myself out though for restocks haha. Anyone else have any EP?

Enchanted Polish

Have you loved your cuticles today?

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