Thursday, May 29, 2014

Neon & Nude Zebra with Zoya Rocha

Hey ladies! Have you ever done a mani and loved it so much when you were done that you screamed? For me, this is one of those manis. I knew I wanted a neon and nude look so I wore Essie Barefoot & Topless for a day. The next night I used Zoya Rocha and stamped my nails with a zebra image from MoYou London Pro Collection XL-04. HOLY AMAZEBALLS. Sorry, I am really not eloquent when I am excited.

Neon & Nude Zebra
Featuring Zoya Rocha & MoYou London

The Tickled cremes are proving excellent stampers! Look how vibrant Rocha is. And the MoYou plate made it effortless. I ordered way too many MoYou plates for my first go, but I have not been disappointed. The images stamp great and are nice and big for my larger and very curved nails. I also used my big squishy stamper from LeaLac and an Elmer's School Glue barrier on my cuticles. I am only just branching out into stamping with colors instead of basic neutral and having so much fun. Would it be wrong to do another neon and nude animal print tonight? Let me know what you think! And please tell me I'm not alone in becoming ridiculously giddy over awesome manis. My poor husband, sometimes I think all he ever sees is me shoving my nails in his face haha!

MoYou London

Have you loved your cuticles today?


  1. It looks great! I would love to see more too :)

  2. I LOVE this! Rocha is just perfect! Nude and neon is awesome. *_*
    Now I must must must get Rocha!

    1. Oh! And yes! I get really giddy too. I'll look at my nails and go "tee hee hee" every five minutes. ^_^

    2. Haha! I'm glad I'm not the only one!

  3. I absolutely ADORE this! Neon + nude + zebra = TOTAL WIN!!!

    You are not the only one. I am constantly showing my nails to my husband, who could not care less. "BUT LOOK AT THE RAINBOWS OMG LOOK AT THEM!" Poor guys. haha

    1. Hahaa! I may or may not have also shouted LOOK AT THE RAINBOWS!!


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