Friday, May 2, 2014

You Polish Dolphins Tell No Tales

Omg Dolphins! I can be such a novelty whore. Once I pulled my sh!t together I decided I really only needed one dolphin polish. Because dolphins... but how often can I wear dolphins? I chose You Polish Dolphins Tell No Tales. It is described by You Polish as "A matte, iridescent, and holographic mix of blue, teal, turquoise and green with silver holographic DOLPHINS!"

You Polish Dolphins Tell No Tales
Shelby Lou Nails

I tried DTNT over a light color first and I really hated it... it just looked like glitter vomit, in a bad way. So I went for the darker color and hello! Gorgeous. All the glitters are displayed for your viewing pleasure. I decided to really go for the novelty and do some nautical stamping and studs.

You Polish Dolphins Tell No Tales
Shelby Lou Nails

I found for me doing a thinner coat of the DTNT and dabbing my dolphins was better than dabbing a big glob on my nail and smooshing it around. There's a lot going on and the base is packed, which is good! I did add some thinner to mine, but I really think it's because I am thinner-happy anyway.

Here's the other polishes and stuffs I used for this mani. I hope this gives you ideas on how to mix all your stash items together for a look!
China Glaze Man Hunt
You Polish Dolphins Tell No Tales
MoYou London Sailor 05
Pure Ice Silver Star
INM Northern Lights holographic TC

You Polish Dolphins Tell No Tales
Shelby Lou Nails

Overall I think this version of the dolphins is about as sophisticated as dolphins can get. I can also use it and keep the dolphins off my nails if I was so inclined. I like having a cutesy polish for the rare occasions I have need of it, but unless you are an avid dolphin collector or lover you might not need more than one. Okay maybe two because I had a hard time leaving Dolphins Are A Mermaids Best Friend out of my cart... I think I might keep a small decant of DTNT and give most of the bottle to my dolphin-and-general-animal-lover little cousin. The dolphins might be too big for her dainty nails but we shall see. Anyone else succumb to the power of the dolphins?

You Polish

Have you loved your cuticles today?


  1. I wasn't entirely sure how I felt about this line, but I like what you did with them. You seriously rock those studs!

    1. Thank you! I thought it was pretty grown-up for dolphins ;-)

  2. I like the Ellagee ones better. But this looks pretty on you.

    1. I've never tried Ellagee before but I have used You Polish and I couldn't ignore all the hilarious dolphin glitter memes haha!

  3. I love this with the stamping you did! So cute!

  4. Love the dolphin glitters here!


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