Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Zoya Naturel Deux: Part 2

Press Sample

Oh man, I seriously almost screamed and ran out of work on Monday. Everything about it was just absolutely horrendous and all my coworkers agreed. I swear it was that full Moon that was also a super-Moon as well as a Blood Moon Sunday night.... On the plus side, I went to the  Erie County Fair on Saturday with some friends. I of course had to get some henna when I saw it--I adore henna and wish I could tattoo it all over my body. You can see my IG pic of my henna here. Ok, I think that's enough links, I just like people to know what I'm talking about in my rambles haha!

Today I have the second half of the Zoya Naturel Deux Collection. These three polishes all had the same formula so I'll make my notes here. In all of my swatches I have two medium coats with Zoya Armor Topcoat. They were so glossy already I thought about not using any TC, but I always use TC on my polish when I wear it so I added it. The lightest shade, Madeline, was a wee bit patchy on the first coat but was perfectly opaque after the second. I was worried this one might give me trouble like Spencer did, luckily this was not the case! They all self-leveled perfectly and went on like buttah. I also notice that when I swatch Zoyas I don't cough like some of my other polishes make me do since they are 5-free. With all the polishing I do I'm really appreciative of that!

The accents I added in my swatches are all from Daily Charme. I recently spent way too much money there. But look how lovely the gold is with these colors! Please ignore my various skin colors in these photos. The polishes are color-accurate, promise.

Zoya Madeline
Naturel Deux
Madeline is a dusty rose creme.

Zoya Aubrey
Naturel Deux
Aubrey is a deep mauve creme. This has a wine feel to it for me!

Zoya Marnie
Naturel Deux
Marnie is a deep plum creme.
I feel like this is has some purple and red undertones that make me think of a red-velvet mocha.
Yes, this whole collection makes me think of food.

Even six months ago I don't know that I would have appreciated how beautiful these polishes are. However I have come to appreciate a good neutral creme for what it is. No, they are not shimmery or holo, but day-yum they are chic! I felt so sophisticated swatching them and can't wait to rock Aubrey and Marnie, especially at work. I am already planning on doing some art with gold accents for these, stay tuned for that later this week!

You can see my review of the first half of the Naturel Deux Collection here.


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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