Sunday, December 15, 2013

Holo-day Sweater Nails with Liquid Sky Lacquer & Nailz Craze

Hello my lovelies! So I realized today it is practically Christmas and I have not done too many Christmas nails. Must get better at thinking ahead.... Anyway, no matter how overdone they are, I love a good Christmas sweater mani. I have worn these for a few days now and they still make me so happy to look at :-)

For my version of this Christmas classic, I used a base of Liquid Sky Lacquer in Sleigh Me. I bought a few holiday holos from LSL and I am very pleased! I used three thin coats and wore just the red holo for a day with a nice thick, shiny topcoat. I find that planning like this makes a nice dry base so I don't get smushing when I stamp. Plus when I inevitably mess up a nail (or two or three) I can swipe off my stamping mishap with a cotton ball without eating into my base color up to two times.

For my stamping I used the sweater pattern on Nailz Craze NC03 and Konad special white stamping polish. Nailz Craze is a really nice indie plate maker, I mean, look how crisp the pattern came out! I have used so much of my expensive Konad, but the white stamping polish is so nice and I don't know of any other good ones--feel free to leave me your recommendation!

Of course I topped this with Glisten & Glow's HK Girl. If you don't own this put it on your Christmas list STAT. I can mess around entirely too much with this topcoat and still not smear my art, love!

As with many of my posts, I want to remind everyone that nail art should be fun, not perfection. I try to plan my art so that it doesn't have to perfectly match on each nail, because, in the words of the infamous Sweet Brown, "Ain't nobody got time for that!" Still working on some tutorials... I am a serious under-estimator of how much time my life takes hehe.

Where to find selected products from this post:
Nailz Craze
Liquid Sky Lacquer
Glisten & Glow

Remember to love your cuticles! You always have time for that.

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