Tuesday, December 17, 2013

KBShimmer All Elf'd Up

It's practically Christmas! Since I just started my job I wasn't able to take off Christmas Eve, which is a bummer but hopefully I can get out a little early. Christmas Eve is really when my dad's side of the family celebrates Christmas and it is always my most cherished day of the year. I have to work this weekend but I have Thursday and Friday off. I have a list of last-minute things to do and I think I'm on schedule, so that's good!

Today I have All Elf'd Up from KBShimmer. This is my perfect Christmas polish! A white crelly with red, green, and silver hexes and micro bars. I hate bar glitter but I love the microbars, weird.

KBShimmer has a mind-blowing crelly formula you have to try to believe. It is completely loaded with glitter but so spreadable and never gloopy. I layered two coats over a white creme.

You may recognize my little tree from Hex Nail Jewelry. What can I say, their charms add the perfect little something special to any mani, even glittery crellies.

Where to purchases selected products:

Have you loved your cuticles today? Mine look like they needed a little more TLC in these photos haha!


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